An amazing movement of professional women soccer coaches based in Seattle and Portland. They aim to increase the number of women coaches across the US and adding sports as they grow.
CHALLENGE: Typeface and logo aren't bold enough. Branding isn't inclusive to other sports. Look and feel doesn't represent powerful female athletes. 
REQUEST:  Make branding inclusive to other sports and make logo bolder.  
So many times in sports culture we see powerful depictions of men and women but only at the highest level –– but what about the power and influence of local sports? My strategy for Girl Boss Sports was to engage young players and coaches as if a big brand was speaking to them––calling them to action.  
Custom icons/badges for easy navigation on web and a nice touch for print. While developing the identity I wanted to use incorporate a symbol that could be found not just in soccer, but also in a variety of sports like lacrosse, volleyball, basketball, etc. The net fits that bill pretty nicely!

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